
Zen and the Art of Webzines
WEBZINE 2000 celebrates the fact that the Internet is still a powerful tool for personal publishers, despite the avalanche of crappy corporate sites and their panders for eyeballs.
Indeed, the Web has evolved into a full-on, electronic strip mall. Sites are developed with one purpose, and that is to make money.
With such focused intention on the bottom line, there is now, more than ever, a massive opportunity for personal publishers and content creators to express new perspectives and priorities. Just because the business press fixates on venture capital, advertising budgets, revenue models and ROI doesn't mean the medium is dead.
To the contrary. The Web still a relatively open forum. It's still relatively uncensored. It's still relatively easy to learn. And, most importantly, it's still a hell of a lot of fun. Especially when it comes to taking on stupid, short-sighted and greedy dominant paradigms. :)
WEBZINE 2000 exists to create an environment where passionate, creative and curious individuals can meet each other face to face. We'll swap schwag, discuss and debate the issues that confront us as minorities in an industry that hasn't yet attached a price tag to self-ex
The landscape of the internet may have been strip-mined by e-commerce dot coms. But does that mean we throw up our hands in defeat? Fuck that. WEBZINE 2000 is our chance to actually do something about it.

illustration by catherine landa