Webzine 2000: The Event
San Francisco's 2050 Bryant Street is an old South of Market warehouse that has been converted into a performance art and gallary space.
Webzine 2000 will include topics like guerilla media tactics that can be used to make a webzine successful, a forum for people to talk about their own webzines, a support group for web zinesters, and the ever popular topic of wild speculation about where the World Wide Web will evolve towards in the future.
There will be web mentors, open mikes for zinesters to rant about their projects, t-shirts from all of your favorite zines, people who smashed up a Starbucks in Seattle, and other personalities from the independent webzine scene in the San Francisco Bay Area and all over the world.
And if you're really into this whole thing, you should put one of our funky event banners on your website. Click here to find out more.